“Knowledge to everyone everywhere” has been in my mind as far as I remember, going back to the days where I was but a poor student, eager to become a little less ignorant for each day I lived.
It wasn’t a dream; it was a goal. Now, in my ageing youth, I’m so fortunate that my little team at the Ethology Institute shares this goal with me. Although we haven’t succeeded yet in achieving our full target, we are on the right path and closer than ever. I’m sure our new program structure, interface, and fees suit many more prospective students than in previous years. Please, keep reading.
For one, we broke up with the traditional educational system. You study at your own pace. You follow which way works best for you to gain practical experience. We don’t examine you, don’t judge you, and don’t label you with grades that will follow you for the rest of your life. You get tests you can take as often as you want, either to improve your knowledge or to refresh it. We offer you proficiency verifications to help you determine whether you possess the needed skills to pursue your personal goals.
Ethology Institute is independent of any economic, religious, political interests, or governmental affairs. We don’t sell an ideology. We provide you with knowledge, and you decide for yourself how to apply it. You choose what is right or wrong for you; we don’t.
Browse through our website, and we trust you’ll find it attractive and easy to navigate. Pages load fast even if you do not have a super-fast Internet connection (except for some movies, which might take time on very low net speeds).
We have designed our programs to suit the needs of trainers, animals, and owners. Theory and practice go hand in hand. The theory is what it is, maybe boring for some, but necessary. We have tried to make it exciting and accessible, yet sometimes, explanations require specialized jargon. We believe that your genuine interest in animal behavior will carry you over this hurdle.
You have complete freedom to get your animal training experience wherever it suits you best. We trust you will seek it honestly and report it accurately. You can take your proficiency verifications by video.
Our programs, we discovered, also suit well the many trainers with a vast experience gained throughout the years but lacking a piece of paper to show for it. Log your experience, take the tests, write the assignments, and submit the proficiency verifications needed for the program for which you want to be certified. Once you have completed it all, you can print your diploma.
Our highest priority, beyond quality, has been affordability: to offer quality courses, either free or very cheap. We succeeded in part. Registration, two courses, tests, articles, videos, and your logbook are free. The paid courses are now 30 to 70% cheaper. The quality is the same; only the price is lower than earlier!
One day, we hope we can offer all programs for free (we are still waiting for the right sponsor who shares our views and goals). Our tutors and webmaster donate uncountable working hours to this project, “Knowledge to everyone… everywhere.” We rely heavily on the many hours given by course creators, article writers, programmers, graphic artists, photographers, and volunteers. Thank you all. We are glad to have you on board and grateful for your dedication. We can only repay it by thanking you and giving you due credit, which we do wholeheartedly. Should you, spite our best efforts, find your work inadequately credited, or a photo of yours misattributed, please let us know, and we correct that right away. Your commitment is invaluable.
Notwithstanding the work we all donate, we still have expenses to cover. Therefore, our programs are not entirely free yet, except for the students living in parts of the world with a desperate economy and to whom we bestow grants.
We are continuously reviewing and improving courses, programs, and web platform. As soon as we launch any new major update, inevitable as it is, even though we cross-check all functions, we’ll find some mistakes. We appreciate your kindness in pointing them out to us.
“Knowledge to everyone everywhere” is a massive project created and implemented by a small team of hopeless idealists, unpaid enthusiasts who firmly believe that knowledge is the key to understanding and harmony.
Have a great day!
Roger Abrantes