The importance of self-confidence in animal training is much greater than you might think. All animals, including dogs, react much better to our body language than to sound signals.
If you behave self-confidently—not arrogantly or aggressively— your dog will look at you, listen to you, and follow you more readily. We have seen that numerous times in classes and workshops.
In the movie, did you notice how a simple change in the way the owner gives the signals makes the whole difference? The signals, before and after, are roughly the same. The only difference is the self-confidence with which the owner gives them.
To improve your communication and relationship with your dog, please see our course Ethology and Behaviorism.
Read also the article “The Importance of Confidence in Animal Training” by Roger Abrantes.
Quiz (for students wishing to earn study credits)
"The Importance of Self-Confidence in Animal Training" video quiz
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